Join the Committee
We'd love to have you in the CASSA Committee!

CASSA runs a variety of events - from our Industry Connects to the Semester Socials. If you've ever wondered how we run all these awesome events for our members, want to develop your communication and leadership skills, do some volunteer work (great for your resume!), or just want to contribute to the computing and security science community, you sound like a fantastic candidate to join the CASSA Committee family. As of January 2024, we have 20 Committee members!
Difference between Executive and General?
CASSA has two types of Committee members: Executive and General.
The majority of Committee members are General members, who usually work on the technical, social, marketing, and community aspects of CASSA. You can vary your workload, which is very useful if you're a full-time student juggling 10 things at any given time. :)
Each Committee has 5 Executive members: the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Tech Admin. Each of these roles play very important roles in the club, so usually General members who have shown their capabilities are promoted in each Annual General Meeting (AGM), though any CASSA member can become an Executive member without any past experience in the Committee. Executive roles require an increased degree of commitment, though are worth their weight in gold when showing off your volunteering experience, and wishing to contribute the most to the club.
A whole new Committee is elected every year, though any particular Executive Committee may onboard General Committee members at any time, we usually love to get all the help we can get to further CASSA's impact on computing and security science.
What's required of me?
Commitment, communication, time management, respect.
You must be an ECU student, a member of the ECU Student Guild, and a CASSA member. If you're going for an Executive position, this must extend for your full term (1 year) - e.g., if you are leaving after 3 years of study, please don't apply for Exec if you're 2.5 years in.
Sign me up!
If you are keen and committed to be involved, then we want to hear from you! 🙌
Looking for an Executive role? Keep an eye out on our Discord and Website during June/July – Exec roles are only published for a limited time before they're gone! Execs are elected in a yearly Annual General Meeting (AGM), make sure to attend. ;)
Looking for a General role? Click the button below to sign up for the General Committee!