๐จ๐งถ CASSA Creative Challenge ๐๏ธ๐ฎ
Cash, Stickers, dope server roles! ๐ต๐ง
What do these have in common?
They're all things you can win participating in the...
Next Monday the top three voted themes will be announced! However - you can still vote for a theme here.

Enter anything you make to the Bot by the 2nd and choose your favourites! The prizes will be judged on:
- Prettiest looking ๐ฆ
- Nicest Sounding ๐ธ
- Made me Laugh ๐ญ
Winners of each category get $30 plus 2 drinks from the Cassa Fridge.
If what you made is extra awesome and physical: Send a picture of it to the bot and we can look at it on Campus! Remember you can make anything you like - as long as it fits the themes. Games, Music, A story, or anything else you feel calling you...
Message the bot by the 2nd of July and you can decide which of everyone's you like best Top voted participants get $30 and Fridge access, + free stickers for everyone who participates.

Cant wait to see what you make!
-Cassa Team.