Changing of the guard.

Semester 1 2020 saw much upheaval to our daily lives. The global pandemic forced unprecedented changes around the world and CASSA was no exception. Despite this we battled on and made the best of it trying to complete our studies and make the best of the situation. In May the AGM took place and the election of a new executive team for 2020/21 was conducted. Come the end of semester official handover has completed. As incoming President, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the hard work the out going team put in. I wish them all the best as they head off to complete their industry placement.

Keep an eye on the events announcements for activities that will be held in the upcoming semester and remember any questions and suggestions can be submitted to [email protected] . We look forward to meeting new members and catching up with old ones once the new semester starts and life returns to normal on campus. Once again thanks to the 2019/20 executive team and all the best to all CASSA members.

Niall Navin