End of Semester Trivia Quiz

Hi Everyone,

As the semester draws to a close I hope everyone has done well to submit assignments and start with exam preparation. To end the semester, CASSA will be holding a trivia quiz on the last day of exams. Sorry to those who may still be sitting assessment on the last day.

Teams of 4 are requested however if you don’t have a team that is fine. Come along and teams can be formed or you can compete alone if you desire.
Consisting of four rounds combining general knowledge and technical questions. However, it is a chance to come together and celebrate the end of semester and to look back on all the hard work people have put in.

Event Details:
November 20th 2020
Rooms 18.103 and 18.104
Joondalup Campus

Please arrive around 2:30pm for a 3pm start. We look forward to seeing everyone there.
