RedRoom {}

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all settling into the semester and enjoying your units.
A great compliment to the skills you learn throughout the degrees of both computer science and cyber security is practicing the application of those concepts.

Capture The Flag (CTF) games offer a way to do just that by posing puzzles and scenarios based on those concepts. RedRoom is a CTF training group run by students for students. It is aimed at beginners so as to help them prepare for these competitions. The main goal is to work towards competing in some of the large CTF’s run throughout the year, namely WACTF.

Don’t feel that you need to have completed subjects or be in your final year. This is not the case. People play these competitions out of interest and for the challenge. All CTF’s have flags designed for beginners through to the more experienced players. So come along and join in. Monday nights @ 18:30 in 18.103/104. I look forward to welcoming everyone.


P.S. by Blair (06/2023):

We run RedRoom on differing days now.
Join our Discord to keep in touch.