September 2023 General Meeting

The CASSA committee are always working to improve and provide a better experience for our members. To achieve this, we've decided to make some changes to our constitution that align with our goals and help fulfill the purposes of CASSA. To formalise these changes, we are calling for a General Meeting, as outlined in our current constitution. Here are the details:

This meeting's main focus is to talk about and vote on changes to the CASSA constitution. We welcome all members to join and participate. The proposed constitution can be accessed here.

How do I participate?

To vote on constitution changes, you must be both a current member of the association, and be present at the general meeting.

If you haven't completed the membership sign-up for this year, you can do so at no cost here. Being on our Discord server does not equate to being a CASSA member.

The method for voting will be made known during the meeting. Voting is a fundamental part of how we make decisions and govern our association. We encourage you to take this opportunity to engage with the proposed amendments, ask questions, and share your thoughts.

Why change to constitution at all?

The driving force behind amending the constitution is our aim to comply with Australian not-for-profit regulations. Transitioning into a not-for-profit organization presents numerous advantages for our club:

  1. Financial Advantages: This status provides tax exemptions and reduced costs, making us eligible for grants and funding opportunities that are typically unavailable to other organizations. This additional funding can greatly enhance our association's initiatives and services.
  2. Credibility: Achieving not-for-profit status enhances our credibility and underscores our commitment to serving your interests above all else. It can attract more members, sponsors, and valuable partnerships.
  3. Member Benefits: With fewer financial constraints, we can direct more resources towards enhancing our association's offerings and facilities, and expand our services, directly benefiting you, our members.

In summary, becoming a not-for-profit organization provides financial, operational, and reputational advantages that directly benefit our club, its members, and the broader community we serve.